Saturday, November 10, 2007

Like it's going out of style..

I have watched more episodes of America's Top Model in the last few weeks than anyone should ever admit to. But it's literally on all the time, episode after episode, and I get sucked in like quicksand. I would be embarrassed but I'm sort of grossly fascinated with my inability to look away. I just watched two episodes, there's one on tv right now, and another one will be on after that.

I could blame it on our cheap cable package and really not having much of a choice. But it has turned into my time to unwind after work. I suppose there's not much harm in that. Except when I can't pull myself away. I was late to yoga twice this week and got a crappy spot in the back of the room where the lights are really bright.

Great story right? If you have time, you should read it again..