Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Poor puppy

Echo is six months old now so I took her to the Vet to have her spayed. I really didn't want her to have to go through the surgery but I also really didn't want to have little baby Echos running around. She's still just a baby herself.

During the few days leading up to her surgery I would just start crying randomly because I was so scared for her. And of course I cried when I dropped her off. But she made it out fine.. And now she's just the saddest thing you ever saw.

The vet recommended I have two of her back claws removed because they can get infected. So now she has her belly scar and her poor little back feet are stiched up.

It's only the second day and she's already found a way out of her collar to chew off the bandages on her legs. I had to go get a bigger collar tonight and it's even more pitiful than the first one. It's enormous! Poor baby.

I have to laugh when I look at her. I think she hates me.. but I can't blame her. At least when we go for walks she doesn't have to wear the collar. Only when I have to leave her alone so she can't chew out her stiches. What a sweet girl though.

The vet says she has to "be calm" for the next two weeks. No jumping, no running, no water, no excitement. TWO WEEKS?! Echo has never been calm for more than two minutes!!!! This should be interesting. Wish us luck.