Friday, December 28, 2007

I am not complaining

I have become accustomed that when I go to the airport, they x-ray my belongings and take away my water and any liquid or gel items I have not placed in a 1-quart size plastic bag in an effort to minimize my risk of flying. I truly appreciate their efforts and don't want them to stop and I believe that they are doing their best not to completely inconvenience me. When I go I naturally expect that I will have to remove half of my clothing, throw out my water and hope they don't decide to search me randomly. (This actually hasn't happened in a while but for a while it seemed that it was every time.)

I'm actually pretty lucky. There's a guy I know who for whatever reason was put on a list that makes TSA search and question him every time he flies. He seems pretty normal and harmless, so I can only assume he shares a name with someone who isn't quite so normal and harmless. I guess TSA told him he could send in an application and $150 and they would investigate his case. However, they do not guarantee that it will get him off the list so he has resigned himself to getting to the airport 3 or 4 hours early every time.

On my way back home after visiting for the holidays this time, though, I had a bizarre experience. I am notorious for leaving water in my bag and my liquid or gel items not in a plastic bag. (On my way back from Seattle a while ago I had a sum total of three water bottles in my carry-on luggage. Duh.) Fortunately, though, my family lives in an extremely rural airport. The kind where you can park your car at the terminal and walk your family member(s) in and they won't ticket your vehicle. I was the one and only person in line to get my boarding pass, and the one and only person in line for security. (Is it a line if you're the only one in it?) So I take off my shoes, put my laptop on the belt, coat, bag, belt. They made fun of my freaky shoes, which is funny. And then I realize I had left my water in my carryon. But the lady offered to dump my water out for me and let me keep the bottle which I thought was so nice. And she got me a bag to put my gel stuff in. How nice!!!

So I was spoiled this time. And I love that. But I also want to say thanks to all the TSA people that have to deal with the rude, the unmanageable, and the certifiable in an effort to keep us safe. So I'm not complaining, just noticing...