Sunday, December 16, 2007


It doesn't matter how many times I've done it, you'd think I would learn my lesson. But I have this horrible habit of leaving the house without everything I need and end up having to turn the car around and go back. We've all done it, but I'm convinced my frequency is at least double the national average. I actually feel fortunate when I remember in the driveway before I've actually left.

Yesterday I was in the Heavenly parking lot getting my snowboard boots on, and I realized I didn't have my pass. In the car I get, back to the house for my pass, and finally hit the snow 30 minutes later. Fortunately I live close to the mountain, but still...

Almost every morning I leave the house to go to work and have to come back inside. Keys, phone, gym clothes, gloves. It's always something. So why do I do this? I ask myself this question with far too much frequency.

Other than the fact that I'm not organized or tidy enough to always leave my keys in the same place or make sure everything has it's place so it's much easier to tell immediately if I don't have everything I need. My theory is that we all have to take inventory, mentally or otherwise. I just take mine too late. I'm in the car, heading down the road and think to myself "keys, phone, wallet, sunglasses, gym clothes for later, and I'm going to spinning so I need my... crap ,I forgot my spinning shoes." It would be much easier if I would do this mental inventory before leaving the house.

When I go on trips, I have to make a list, because when there's a plane waiting for you there is no time to go back. When I go to the gym, I hand them my keys, and they give me a locker key. Good system because you can't really get far without your car keys, so you remember to turn your locker key back in. The problem is about 33% of the time I forget my water bottle, spinning shoes, yoga mat, running shoes, or other fairly essential item in my car. So I have to go back up to the desk, ask for my keys, go to my car, and come back. It's just a short walk to my car, but you'd tink I could take a little inventory before getting out of my car, and come in with everything I need the first time.

It's not the end of the world. I just need to work on my system of making sure I have everything. Sometimes I feel a little better when my roommate comes back in the door twice to get something before leaving. At least I'm not the only one.