Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Confident Dog

One thing I've noticed about having Echo is that I do more things on my own. I never used to feel comfortable being out and about by myself. Aside from a trip to the grocery store or the gym, I always needed to have someone with me. I would rarely ever even mountain bike by myself, I always recruited a buddy. I guess she makes me feel more motivated. There's really no option to go home and be lazy when she stares at me like "when are we leaving?"

Since we walk three times a day, I'm always looking for new and exciting places to explore. Today we took this amazing trail up a gully with a stream running through it. It was very cool. I had to go slowly because it's a lot of effort to hike uphill in the snow. She's really good about sticking around and usually won't wander more than ten feet or so. She'll stop and look at me like "come on!!!" It was very cute. On the way down she knew the way so she was running 20 feet ahead and stopped to wait for me. She makes me so happy when she's content and doing what she loves.