Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Good times...

I've been in this super bad mood lately. And it's really starting to annoy me. I'm not really much fun when I'm in a bad mood. I'm kind of quiet and I sort of slump around. I've been doing a truly insane amount of shoveling. That could potentially have something to do with it. Although, the mega snowboarding I've been doing should more than make up for it. Maybe it's the winter blues? Can you have winter blues when you live in Tahoe? I sort of have this nasty headache too. Blech..

I'm getting a puppy, that should be good. Oh man are they cute. I think I might be switching puppies. Can you do that?? My little girl is the one always brawling with the other pups. That doesn't seem cool. And she's not so fond of being held on her back. Supposedly that's not a good sign. She's also going to be red, and I kind of had my heart set on a blue heeler. "Sorry honey, but you just weren't quite what we had in mind so we're taking you back.." Poor little thing.

So I think I'm going to try to shake this whole bad mood thing. I'm going to Florida in a couple weeks for a conference. The beach has got to cure some of this right? A little sun? Time with the family? I have been supplementing my diet with hot cocoa which makes me happy. Warm chocolatey goodness.. yum! And my cold is wearing off. What else could a girl ask for? I think this is the new baby..