Sunday, April 02, 2006


To offset the insane and rather oppressive hours I've been working the last week or so, I went rock climbing today. I almost didn't. I had planned to go, but then slept in and sort of made an unspoken decision to skip it. THANK GOD THAT DIDN'T WORK OUT. With some much needed and greatly appreciated coersion, I decided to go anyway. Work could wait.

It was an absoultely gorgeous day for my first climb this season. The breeze was blowing, the sun shining, and I had some fabulous company. S2H invited his coworker H to climb with us. She'd been before but it had been years ago. You totally couldn't tell, she did awesome! :) And I think she had a good time.

Typically you know you've had a good time when you have some reminder from your day. These reminders might be hangovers, scars a.k.a. battle wounds, or things you've brought back with you. Today, thanks to my 3/4 t-shirt and watch, my proof that I had a good time is this.

And what day would be complete without the bandana?

Being at work tonight is worthwhile having been out enjoying the day. Thank you, I really needed that.