Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I'm fickle that way

I love Starbucks. In fact, I have on more than one occasion professed my undying love for their charred cups of delicious nectar in this very blog. But despite our involvement, I frequently cheat on them with the first available alternative. It’s not that I have anything against Starbucks. No, that’s not true. I have a lot against Starbucks. They're a seemingly enormous empire that sold themselves out for money and fame. Honestly though, I would have done the same. They have a hugely profitable enterprise. And they seem to be a good company to work for. Besides, it still feels like a small coffee shop even though they're a multimillion dollar business.

I go to Starbucks because they’re fast, friendly, consistent, and they don't tell me I need to make a purchase of $5 in order to use my debit card. It's amazing the things that influence consumer behavior. And also, it's on the way to work. I mean they're on every damn corner. But, as I discovered yesterday, so is Murky Coffee. On the way to work I mean.

Drawn by their clever name, and my desire to be wooed away from the evil clutches of Starbucks, I stopped in. I wasn't sure if they were open because it seemed deserted. But the tiny little sign said they opened at 7 and I peered in and spotted the laptop guy in the corner and the runner girl on the couch. I ordered a latte. Paid $4.25 (ouch). And waited.

And waited. And waited.

Dude was busy back there. And clearly an experienced Barista. But wow that latte took a while. But when I tasted it? Way worth the wait. And I totally dig cheating on Starbucks. It's almost like volunteer work. I feel I'm giving back to my community. Well, not quite. But you know what I'm sayin'. No need to line Starbuck's pockets. I'm trying to support the little guy here.

So Murky Coffee is where I shall stop for my morning crack until it becomes a pain or I find some other excuse to revisit Starbucks. I'm sure I will relapse. It's inevitable. But there's always rehab right? There must be support groups for this.

Hi, my name is uh.. Jane, and I'm addicted to Starbucks. *sob!*