Wednesday, April 19, 2006

No really, I'm not hungry.

Ever read those Chicken Soup for the Soul books? They've got these cute little stories in them about the little boy who wants the puppy with the bum leg because the little boy has a bum leg too. Or the guy putting the starfish back in the sea so they don't drown when the tide goes out.

Yeah, so I was sitting on the couch after Easter dinner and there's one of those pocket-sized Chicken Soup books on the coffee table. So I pick it up. Mistake number one. I read a few stories (they're really short), and I rememeber why I never read them. The damn stories make me want to cry. Every one. My eyes tear up. So you think I could just put the book down. Nope.

Stop reading!!! Stop it!

Still reading. My throat gets all tight again and I scold myself for still reading.

Why are you still reading?

Yes, I know it's a nice story but it's making you cry!! What's new? Everything makes me cry. I am an emotional wreck. Ha! Girl = Emotional Wreck.

Know what finally made me stop reading? I read them all. Damn! Anybody have a tissue?

I guess I need to stick with Buffy. Tree pretty, fire bad. Keep it simple. GOSH! Who writes these stories anyway?