Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Jeepers Creepers(v2)

I work in a cubicle farm. Sad but true. It's an odd arrangement. The illusion of privacy, with actually no privacy at all. Kind of like public bathroom stalls. But anyway.. At first it took a bit of focus but I finally found a certain comfort level with, or perhaps ignorance of the lack of privacy. Sometimes the occasional "bless you" coming through the wall seems a bit odd. "God? Is that you?" And sometimes it's hard not to respond to questions asked in the next cubicle. But for the most part I'm pretty used to it.

One thing that really bugs the crap out of me, is the guy who walks down the isle peeping into every cubicle he walks by. You know exactly who I'm talking about. That one guy that just can't mind his own. Why does he feel compelled to do this?? I mean, I guess it’s not so obvious when you’re the fish in the fishbowl. Maybe if "they" didn't design every cube so that your back is to the “opening” it might be a little more obvious. (How sad it’s not even a door. Sounds a bit dirty really. I actually totally get the "rear view mirror" now.) And did you ever watch that guy walk down a row of cubes and alternately turn his head to look into ALL the cubes on each side? Sort of reminds you of a chicken bobbing its head in search of bugs. Granted, it may be subconscious and he just plain doesn’t realize he’s doing it. But man, sometimes I just wanna be like "LOOKING FOR SOMEONE?!?"

So I feel have no choice. I dub thee.. Mr. Peeper. (Can you do that POOFING part again? I'm not sure I'm a very good POOFER!) I wouldn’t say it’s Peeping-Tom creepy. But it’s a little bit nosey. Not to mention you look like a freakin' idiot! GOSH! Of course, I’m sure we’ve all done it. I just wish I could suggest to the guy, "hey, think you could just walk down the hall and maybe gaze in the general direction in which your walking?" I mean, who does he think he is, the Warden? Thanks but the inmates could probably do without your supervision. Besides, we totally already have a warden!!