Friday, June 23, 2006

The Beauty of Chaos

You think you've got it all figured out. You know what your goals are, you've planned your next step, and you're just waiting for the right moment to make the move. Then one day a butterfly in Japan flutters it's wings, and the next thing you know your life changes so dramatically you hardly recognize it.

Suddenly up is down, trivial becomes critically important, and so much of what you thought defined you gets tossed aside.

The winds of change have opened my eyes to a whole world of possibility. So rarely does it come in one gust. More often just in gentle breazes that slowly nudge you in one direction or another.

My heart aches with longing where yesterday it sat in contented familiarity. My sound sleep has become moonlit hours of "what if?" My carefully planned future has so suddenly lost all importance.

Could it work? Maybe. But more likely it will become an exercise in awareness. The world is so big. And you, little one, are faced with endless possibility. Don't limit yourself to only what you've seen. Don't close off the wonder of your imagination. Let your mind be open to the winds of change. Listen to them, be moved by them, grow with them.

I smiled today like I have not smiled in a very long time. So infectious was my smile that those around me smiled too and I was stunned by my pure happiness.

I can see light under a door I never knew was there. And it may not be a door meant for me. But now I know there's more, so much more than I ever let myself see.