Friday, August 11, 2006


The day before a trip is always so exciting! I love the flurry of activity. Getting ready to go. Figuring out what to take (or sometimes more importantly, what not to take). Loading music on the ipod. Charging batteries. Check the weather. Passport, wallet, $$$, cell phone, vitamins, travel info, maps, camera, sunglasses.

I love to travel. I love the anticipation beforehand, the going away, the getting there, the being away, and even the sad, but inevitable return to reality. This time I'm going to Maine for a family reunion; my Dad's side of the family. I don't get to see them very often. And I love Maine. I haven't been there in years. I have so many 2nd cousins I've never seen. My family's been busy, my cousin's wife just had twins!

With all of the activity at Heathrow this week, it's definitely going to be interesting. My flight is early. That means I have to be at the airport STUPID EARLY, like 3:45 AM!!!! But it's okay. I'm tired today so I can probably get to bed relatively early. At least I'm still holding out hope that I'll sleep. I don't know who I'm kidding though. I don't usually sleep well before a trip, if at all. Too much going on. Excitement and a little bit of anxiety. The night before I went to the BVI's last summer I was up until like 4 in the morning. Just couldn't bear to sleep. Too much to do! If I rip just one more cd...

Like a good little traveler, I checked the TSA website and I'm not going to pack my toothpaste in my carry-on. So hopefully there won't be too many problems with security. I'm still dreading the line, but my bag makes a good pillow. And I have zero problems with lying on the floor. I'm definitely that girl.

So wish me luck... and if you're traveling as well, be safe! Have fun! Or as my Mom would say "drive fast, take chances!"