Friday, August 25, 2006

Instant Gratification

I was talking to a fellow blogger this morning about what she did last night, and she was telling me how she had spent some time working on a post. It was going to be a long one and she wasn't quite ready to post it. This spurned a whole slew of thoughts in the random cavities of my mind, one of which was "wow, she's writing a blog the way I would have written a paper in college." You get an assignment (or in this case an idea), you do a little research, write out an outline, do a rough draft, and then edit and revise until you get a final version.

Huh. What a novel idea. I usually only write blogs about what's tweaking me or making me bounce off the walls at that very moment, and I post it right then. Ahhh.. satisfaction! Not a whole lot of editing or revision go into them. My generation has no patience. Okay, that's not quite true. I'll rephrase. I have no patience. So, maybe I shouldn't always approach blogging like a journal. Of course some journaling is good, but I should also include some more thought out things.

Oh, hey look! A whole other door I never knew was there! Has anyone seen my brain? I think it may have fallen out when I swung through graduation and picked up a "real job" a while back. The same day I caught that bad case of conformity. I'm still fighting it off.. what a killer!