Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Cause it doesn't remind me of anything

When the hurt or the fear become too much to bear, when they have immobilized you, when you feel like your every hope has been beaten down, you have no choice but to let it all go. Because you can't be afraid forever. It's not helping to think about the hurt anymore. You have nothing more to gain from the worry.

So just let yourself be.

Escape the noise. Walk innocuous streets. Speak easy words. Dream nothing dreams. Don't let go forever, but just for this moment, be free of everything. Relinquish control. Set the autopilot and breathe.

And when you've let it all go, when finally the brow no longer furrows and the mind no longer races, that's when you're able to let things work themselves out. And when the memory of the hurt no longer stings, then turn yourself around a moment and look back. Look at where you were when the world seemed so suffocating and your problems towered over you. Look back at how you felt and how scared you were. And then realize that you are okay now, and the reason you are okay is because you faced your fear. You conquered your hurt. You stared into the belly of your beast and have come out the victorious warrior on the other side. Maybe it doesn't feel like you fought a war, but the worry and the fear was your battle every day. And when you let them go, you won.


Inspired by Audioslave - Doesn't Remind Me. Check it out here.