Monday, August 21, 2006

Poetic Justice

Dare I risk jinxing myself?? It's too unbelievable not to share.

Remember the roommate I praised here and here??

Yes, well let's just say things haven't exactly improved. I believe I've mostly gotten over my anger. But I would venture to say she has not overcome her issues like facing reality and accepting personal responsibility. I know this because our lease is ending soon and her response to this has gone something like this:

First she decided she was moving out because she wanted to live alone. Fair enough.

Then she realized she hasn't had a job in three months because she quit when she decided her boss was over critical, and she can't afford to live alone. Since then job hunting hasn't exactly been a top priority.

Anyway, next she decided she was going to stay and kick me out of the house. Technically I'm on a sublease and if our landlord continued the lease she (bad roommate) might actually be able to do that.

Bad roommate then called our landlord and told her she refused to live with me and that she and good roommate were staying. And she asked good roommate to break the news to me gently. To which good roommate did her best not to puke on bad roommates shoes. Because good roommate is far too polite to tell bad roommate she's full of something closely resembling dog feces.

Good roommate then spoke to our landlord to get a straight story and give a more complete picture, to which our landlord replied "this all makes a lot more sense now."

Fortunately our landlord is intelligent and very level-headed and decided she was not going to continue the lease but would resign a new lease with two or more individuals. She left the decision of who would sign up to us. Smart.

Good roommate and I have decided living with bad roommate has been uncomfortable but not altogether impossible, so we are staying.

What will Miss Apple-up-her-butt do?!? I can't wait to find out.