Thursday, September 21, 2006


I know that we all do it, some of us more than others. It's just part of life. Adversity makes us stronger, gives us character. If everything were easy we'd suck as people; we'd be like spoiled children who are given everything. Regardless of the benefits though, I hate to see people struggling, especially when they feel helpless. But even more, I hate to see people who cause others to struggle, yet refuse do anything about it. There's too much of that in this world.

What if we all just gave each other a break. Just once every day. Can you imagine? That guy who got angry with me this morning for merging. What if he had given me a break? I would have had a much better morning.

I've been struggling with work. Too much going on. Too much to get done, not enough time. Too many not-so-nice people who don't understand what they're saying. It's somewhat of an appeasement to know it will all be over soon and to know that it's not just me, that others see it too. But still hard to be here now, watching my hard work take away my free time. Watching people refuse to help. Watching people confused by the effects of their actions.

And sometimes I look at them, and I remember they are people struggling just like me. Sometimes that helps.

It's silly, I know. I'm lucky as hell. This is a great job. I have an amazing boss and a great support system. This is just a stressful time, I guess.

I have a friend with a child. And she's an awesome mom. But I watch her struggle. And I hate that. She's really the most amazing mom. I'm certain I could never be the kind of mom that she is on a daily basis without even thinking. I know she's worked hard at it, but she just seems to know exactly what to say and do. And she's always striving to be better.

She's always telling me about her relationship with her little one, and it melts my heart it's just so wonderful and inspiring. So many times I get tears in my eyes just because I want that so much. I mean, my mom always knew exactly what to say when nobody else did, and she just has that.

I want so much for her to see how great she is, and how lucky her little one is to have her. I don't want her to struggle. I want her to know that part of her works like clockwork, and she never has to worry.

It takes so very little to break someone's day. But on the up-side, it's just as easy to make someone's day. I just wish for everyone to try that much harder to make someone else's day today. Just smile. Give them a break. Or tell them you care. It's so simple.